Van 5 tot en met 16 oktober 2022 zullen wij al onze duiven (behalve die van 2020-2021-2022) verkopen via EPW
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Anneke & Pierre Faes, Baarn (NL)
Total auction of all pigeons (excl. birds from 2020 – 2021 – 2022)
Start: October 05. 2022 | Ending: October 15. & 16. 2022
In 2021 Anneke & Pierre Faes from Baarn (The Netherlands) had one of their best racing seasons in their career in pigeon sport. With 3 (!) Olympiad birds in one racing season, they proved to be one of the best Short Distance specialists in The Netherlands.
A strong base with pigeons of Gerard Koopman, Pieter Veenstra and Stefaan Lambrechts
Pierre started racing pigeons in 1960, he participated on all disciplines, from Short Distance to Extreme Long Distance. In 2010 he and his wife Anneke formed a new combination and decided to specialize on the Short Distance races. They participate in the races with cocks and hens; in total they have 50 racing couples. Over the years, Anneke and Pierre bought pigeons at Gerard Koopman (Ermerveen), Pieter Veenstra (Drachtstercompagnie) and Stefaan Lambrechts (Nijlen). They participate in the races in the very strong Afdeling 7, with renowned names as Jan Hooymans, G. & H. Calis, Poelstra & Sons and Johan den Hartog as main competitors. A short overview of the championship titles:
– 1. Championship Overall Short Distance Afdeling 7 ‘Midden Nederland’ 2020 (Non-Nominated)
– 1. Championship Overall Short Distance Afdeling 7 ‘Midden Nederland’ 2021 (Nominated)
– 1. Acebird Short Distance Afdeling 7 ‘Midden Nederland’ 2021 – NL18-990 ‘Olympic Kim’
– 2. Acebird Short Distance Afdeling 7 ‘Midden Nederland’ 2021 – NL18-029
– 2. Championship Keizer Short Distance Afdeling 7 ‘Midden Nederland’ 2021 (Non-Nominated + Nominated)
– 3. Championship Overall Short Distance Afdeling 7 ‘Midden Nederland’ 2021 (Non-Nominated)
– 3. Championship Youngsters Afdeling 7 ‘Midden Nederland’ 2020 (Non-Nominated)
– 3. Acebird Middle Distance Afdeling 7 ‘Midden Nederland’ 2021 – NL18-990 ‘Olympic Kim’
– 4. Acebird Short Distance Afdeling 7 ‘Midden Nederland’ 2021 – NL19-732
– 4. Championship Middle Distance Afdeling 7 ‘Midden Nederland’ 2020 (Nominated)
In 2021 Anneke and Pierre showed outstanding results. Top performers at the loft were NL18-990 ‘Olympic Kim’, winner of 3. Olympiad bird Cat. Short Distance Romania 2022. This hen is born from 2 original Pieter Veenstra pigeons. Father is grandson to 2 top breeders: NL07-621 ‘Harry’ (Jan Hooymans) and NL02-446 ‘Mr. Blue’. Mother is granddaughter to ‘Mr Blue’ and to the super breeding pair ‘Da Vinci’ x ‘Special Blue’, the parents to ‘Dolce Vita’. ‘Olympic Kim’ was also winner of 2. Nat. Acebird Short Distance NPO 2021 and 7. Nat. Acebird Short Distance ‘De Allerbeste’ 2021.
Another super racing hen is NL18-043 ‘Olympic Naomi’. She was winner of 2. Olympiad bird Cat. Short Distance Romania 2022. Also, this hen is born from 2 original Pieter Veenstra pigeons. Father is a double grandson to NL02-446 ‘Mr. Blue’ and mother is granddaughter to ‘Da Vinci’ x ‘Special Blue’, the parents to super racing hen ‘Dolce Vita’. ‘Olympic Naomi’ was also winner of 2. World’s Best Pigeon Short Distance 2020.
The last Olympiad bird is NL21-926 ‘Olympic Pierre’. This cock is winner of 2. Olympiad bird Cat. Youngsters Romania 2022. ‘Olympic Pierre’ is from the best lines of Gerard Koopman, Marcel and Gunther Vercammen and Stefaan Lambrechts. Father is NL19-807 ‘Brother Dave’, NL14-1781509 ‘Dave’ was winner of 9. Olympiad Bird Cat. Short Distance Brussels 2016 and is bred from grandson ‘Ermerveen’s Hope’ (Koopman) x ‘Daughter Contador’ (M. & G. Vercammen). Mother is born from a brother to ‘Helena’ (Koopman), winner of 2. Olympiad bird Cat. Short Distance Nitra 2013 x ‘Sister Silvia’ (Lambrechts).
Total auction (excl. pigeons from 2020 – 2021 – 2022) via European Pigeon Website
Now, in 2022 Pierre and Anneke decided to sell all pigeons (excl. pigeons from 2020 – 2021 – 2022) in an exclusive total auction on EPW. The health situation of Pierre & Anneke forced them to keep less pigeons. In this auction, that will end on October 15. & 16. 2022. You will find all breeders and racers, including the Olympiad birds!
We also invite you to visit the exhibition at Van der Valk De Witte Bergen Hilversum (Heidelaan 2, Eemnes) on the closing days of the internet auction!